List of Mobile Network Prefixes in the Philippines 2021

Charges on your mobile costs can escalate especially if you do make a lot of calls or texts to a different network. You can eliminate the need to pay these extra charges from your network company by knowing a list of mobile network prefixes. Continue reading on to learn more about what prefixes are and why it is important as a mobile user to use. 

What is a prefix? A “mobile number prefix” is the first four numbers such as on your 11-digit mobile number. Say your mobile number is 09234567891 then your prefix is 0923. These mobile number prefixes or network codes are unique for each mobile network where you can cross check or identify whether it belongs to Globe, Smart, Sun Cellular or from the other network providers. 

In the Philippines, we are currently serviced by a good number of mobile network companies. We have Smart, Globe and Sun Cellular as the big names to the said industry that have the most users. Mobile network providers such as Republika ng TM, Talk N’ Text (TNT), Cherry Prepaid and ABS-CBN Mobile are the other game players. TNT and Sun Cellular is actually a value brand of Smart while Republika ng TM of Globe is also a subsidiary of Globe. These mobile networks provide different types of services targeted to a wide demographic of users. 

To better understand, prefixes let us backtrack a little bit on how these numbers come about. In the Philippines, area codes for mobile phone compose of three digits where it always starts with the number 9. As mentioned earlier, these codes do not necessarily indicate the geographic region. Instead, it is assigned to a service provider. The first prefixes were assigned to four major network providers namely 0912 for Mobiline (CDMA), 0915 for Islacom (GSM), 0917 FOR Globe (GSM) and 0973 for Express Telecom. For Smart, it was next to register where they got 0918. Since there was continuous use of these prefixes with the rapid use of smartphones, new codes have been added to cover the represent their respective network providers. 

Then what is the importance of knowing your mobile number prefix? Knowing which network the prefix belongs to beforehand will help you decide whether to go through that call or text knowing that a call to a different network will charge for an extra cost. With the number of mobile numbers on your contacts, it would be impossible to memorize each mobile prefix, an updated list of mobile network prefixes for the year 2020 can come in handy. 

List of Mobile Network Prefixes in the Philippines 2020 

For the convenience of our subscribers, we have put together a comprehensive and updated list of mobile network prefixes in the Philippines. 

This mobile network prefixes list covers all active mobile network providers in the country. We have included Smart, Globe and Sun Cellular, which are the main players for network providers. There are other network providers which are called value brands which are subsidiaries of the said large companies. Sun Cellular and Talk ‘N Text (TNT) for instance, are under Smart Communications while Republika ng TM is a subsidiary of Globe. Other mobile network providers are Cherry Prepaid and ABS-CBN Mobile. 

Why is it important to know mobile network prefixes? You can eliminate the need to pay extra charges on your mobile usage when you call or text by knowing your network prefixes. The following list of mobile network prefixes in the Philippines will help you identify which network provider the number you are calling or texting. Your list of contacts can be a long one that’s why having a source of the network prefixes assigned to each mobile network provider is very handy. You save time and money at the same time. 

Let’s now learn more about prefixes. On your (11) eleven mobile digit number the first (4) four digits are your mobile number prefix. Let us say you have a mobile number 09234567891 then your network codes or prefixes is 0923. Understand that all active mobile numbers have identifiable prefix assigned to each network mobile provider. Whether you are using Globe, Smart, Sun Cellular, etc. each has their unique identifiable prefix. 

By having almost half of the nation’s population using smartphones, there are a lot of prefixes in the Philippines which is a lot to remember if not troublesome to most mobile users to identify which network each prefix belongs to. We usually ask a friend or a coworker if they have any idea which networks the mobile number you are calling or texting, and in some cases, their answers can be unreliable, and it can be too late after we just realize we are billed with the extra charges. That is why having a list of mobile network prefixes is the best and sure way to check before making a call or text to another network. 

Our concise and complete list of mobile prefixes in the Philippines is a very useful source that you can look into easily, and this is especially for those who have constant use of mobile communications. We do update all our data from time to time to give subscribers the most recent list.

0813 NETWORKSmart or Talk ‘N Text 
0817 NETWORKGlobe or Republika ng TM
0904 NETWORKGlobe or Republika ng TM
0905 NETWORKGlobe or Republika ng TM
0906 NETWORKGlobe or Republika ng TM
0907 NETWORKSmart or Talk ‘N Text
0908 NETWORKSmart or Talk ‘N Text
0909 NETWORKSmart or Talk ‘N Text
0910 NETWORKSmart or Talk ‘N Text
0911 NETWORKSmart or Talk ‘N Text
0912 NETWORKSmart or Talk ‘N Text
0913 NETWORKSmart or Talk ‘N Text
0914 NETWORKSmart or Talk ‘N Text
0915 NETWORKSmart or Talk ‘N Text
0916 NETWORKSmart or Talk ‘N Text
0917 NETWORKSmart or Talk ‘N Text
0918 NETWORKSmart or Talk ‘N Text
0919 NETWORKSmart or Talk ‘N Text
0920 NETWORKSmart or Talk ‘N Text
0921 NETWORKSmart or Talk ‘N Text
0922 NETWORKSun Cellular
0923 NETWORKSun Cellular
0924 NETWORKSun Cellular
0925 NETWORKSun Cellular
0926 NETWORKGlobe or Republika ng TM
0927 NETWORKGlobe or Republika ng TM
0928 NETWORKSmart or Talk ‘N Text
0929 NETWORKSmart or Talk ‘N Text
0930 NETWORKSmart or Talk ‘N Text
0931 NETWORKSun Cellular
0932 NETWORKSun Cellular
0933 NETWORKSun Cellular
0934 NETWORKSun Cellular
0935 NETWORKGlobe or Republika ng TM
0936 NETWORKGlobe or Republika ng TM
0938 NETWORKSmart or Talk ‘N Text
0939 NETWORKSmart or Talk ‘N Text
0940 NETWORKSmart or Talk ‘N Text
0941 NETWORKSun Cellular
0942NETWORKSun Cellular
0943 NETWORKSun Cellular
0944 NETWORKSun Cellular
0945 NETWORKGlobe or Republika ng TM
0946 NETWORKSmart or Talk ‘N Text
0947 NETWORKSmart or Talk ‘N Text
0948 NETWORKSmart or Talk ‘N Text
0949 NETWORKSmart or Talk ‘N Text
0950 NETWORKSmart or Talk ‘N Text
0951 NETWORKSmart or Talk ‘N Text
0955 NETWORKGlobe or Republika ng TM
0956 NETWORKGlobe or Republika ng TM
0965 NETWORKGlobe or Republika ng TM
0966 NETWORKGlobe or Republika ng TM
0967 NETWORKGlobe or Republika ng TM
0970NETWORKSmart or Talk ‘N Text
0973 NETWORKGlobe or Republika ng TM
0974 NETWORKExtelcom
0975 NETWORKGlobe or Republika ng TM
0976 NETWORKGlobe or Republika ng TM
0977 NETWORKGlobe or Republika ng TM
0977 NETWORKGlobe or Republika ng TM
0978 NETWORKGlobe or Republika ng TM
0979 NETWORKGlobe or Republika ng TM
0981 NETWORKSmart or Talk ‘N Text
0989 NETWORKSmart or Talk ‘N Text
0992 NETWORKSmart or Talk ‘N Text
0994 NETWORKGlobe or Republika ng TM
0995 NETWORKGlobe or Republika ng TM
0996 NETWORKCherry Mobile
0997 NETWORKGlobe or Republika ng TM
0998 NETWORKSmart or Talk ‘N Text
0999NETWORKSmart or Talk ‘N Text

SMART Mobile Network Prefixes

Smart Communications Inc. is one of the largest and most popular players for mobile network services in the Philippines and there are a lot of its subscribers. There are about 58.3 million GSM network Smart users in the country. Aside from the main usage of Smart mobile, Smart subsidiary Talk N’Text is also a popular option for consumers who do need to have more affordable network service packages. 

Aside from the flexible terms of use on their mobile subscription packages is that a Smart mobile user can call or text a Talk N’ Text user without worrying any charges, and that’s vice versa. 

The following mobile number prefixes for Smart:

0813 network
0907 network
0908 network
0909 network
0910 network
0911 network
0912 network
0913 network
0914 network
0918 network
0919 network
0920 network
0921 network
0928 network
0929 network
0930 network
0938 network
0939 network
0940 network
0946 network
0947 network
0948 network
0949 network
0950 network
0951 network
0970 network
0981 network
0989 network
0992 network
0998 network
0999 network

GLOBE Mobile Network Prefixes

Globe Telecom continues to be one of the largest network providers in the country. In the Philippines, the large network provider goes on to grow and expand their services and a lot of smartphone users are subscribed to Globe’s services. Aside from the standard Globe subscription, the network service has the Republika ng TM a subsidiary of Globe which offers a lower priced network service package. 

See below the list of Globe mobile number prefixes. 

0817 network
          0905 network
0906 network
0915 network
0916 network
0917 network
0926 network
0927 network
0935 network
0936 network
0937 network
0945 network
0955 network
0956 network
0965 network
0966 network
0967 network
0973 network
0975 network
0976 network
0977 network
0978 network
0979 network
0994 network
0995 network
0996 network
0997 network

SUN CELLULAR Mobile Network Prefixes

Sun Cellular is another popular mobile network that most smartphone users are subscribed to. Although owned by Smart Communications, is entirely independent in terms of network infrastructure and corporate management from the said large company. This also means that they have their own Sun cellular prefixes.

0922 network
0923 network
0924 network
0925 network
0931 network
0932 network
0933 network
0934 network
0941 network
0942 network
0943 network
0944 network


So far there are a few prefixes for the other networks such as Extelcom, ABS-CBN Mobile Number and Cherry Mobile Number. Take note to check if they can now provide unlimited texts and calls as the updated subscription has not offered this feature yet. 

Below are some of the mobile numbers of other network providers and subsidiaries of networks: 

Extelcom Numbers 

  • 0974 network 

ABS-CBN Mobile Number 

  • 0937 network (not part of unli call and text promos)

Cherry Mobile Number 

  • 0996 network (not part of unli call and text promos)

That wraps all the mobile number prefixes in the country. You can access this website anytime for cross-checking your prefixes. 

If you are looking for an unknown mobile prefix, head here to search for the mobile number prefixes in the Philippines this 2020. For your questions or if you want to help others by sharing more recent updates, please do type your thoughts to our comment section below.